Eco-Paturage Pierre Bourquin


Pierre Bourquin was the first company in Reims to use eco-pasture to maintain the 7,000 m² of green space surrounding its historic industrial site.

Pierre Bourquin's sheep are of the Ouessant breed, recently saved from extinction.
At 40cm high they are the smallest sheep in the world. With their ample wool, they are adaptable to all temperatures and can stay outside all year round.

Their odorless excrement fertilizes the land and promotes biodiversity: coprophagous insects break down organic matter and are then eaten by birds. This is the natural food chain...


Determined to reduce the environmental impact of its industrial activities, Pierre Bourquin has been committed since the mid-2000s to:

  • reducing waste;
  • improving waste management;
  • securing the storage of hazardous liquids;
  • reducing the use of products that are dangerous to humans and aggressive to the environment;
  • raise awareness of environmental issues among its employees, customers and suppliers.

This commitment and these efforts enabled Pierre Bourquin to be awarded the IMPRIM'VERT® label in 2007, which rewards the most active graphic companies in terms of sustainable development.

The label has been renewed every year without interruption since it was awarded.

Gestion durable des forêts Pierre Bourquin


As a natural extension of its environmental policy, Pierre Bourquin is committed to contributing to the development of sustainable forest management, in particular by ensuring:

  • systematic replanting of trees used for paper production; 
  • respecting the spacing between trees; 
  • optimization of wood management; 
  • compliance with labor law regulations in forestry operations;
  • respect for protected species of fauna and flora.

The FSC® and PEFC™ certifications were created to allow economic actors involved in wood processing to guarantee that wood comes exclusively from sustainably managed forests.

They require the implementation of complete and rigorous traceability chains, regularly audited by independent organizations. Since the advent of forestry certification, Pierre Bourquin has systematically favored the use of certified paper in its production.

As a holder of both FSC® and PEFC™ certification, Pierre Bourquin is authorized to certify the origin of a print product produced in its workshops as being from a sustainably managed forest by affixing the FSC® or PEFC™ logo.


In addition to its efforts to promote eco-labelled paper, Pierre Bourquin works on a daily basis to promote the use of recycled paper among its customers.

Recycled paper offers significant environmental benefits:

  • reducing pressure on forests; 
  • reducing water consumption; 
  • reducing energy consumption.

The production of 1 ton of non-recycled paper generates the emission of 100 kg of CO², whereas the production of 1 ton of recycled paper generates the emission of 55 kg of CO².

The de-inking and bleaching processes are now carried out without harmful products.

The residual products, including residual fibers, kaolin and carbonate, are transformed into raw materials used in cement and brick factories.

Promotion du papier recyclé Pierre Bourquin